Depression Warning Signs in Adolescents and Young Adults
(From Words Can Work: When Talking About Depression by Jeanne Blake)
Knowing the warning signs can help you distinguish depression from occasional normal sadness or moodiness.
Common symptoms of depression include:
Sad or irritable mood
Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
Significant changes in appetite or weight
Difficulty sleeping; oversleeping
Slow or agitated movement
Loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Difficulty concentrating
Frequent thoughts of death or suicide
Most adolescents and young adults experience the above symptoms occasionally. But, if you observe a number of these symptoms for more than a few weeks, seek professional help. Adolescents and young adults often show depression in other ways as well:
Frequent headaches, stomach aches or tiredness, without a medical cause
Frequent absences from school or poor performance in school
Talk of or efforts to run away from home
Being bored; sulking
Lack of interest in spending time with friends or family
Abuse of alcohol or other substances
Social isolation, poor communication
Fear of death
Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure
Increased irritability, anger, hostility, or crying
Reckless behavior
Neglect of clothes and appearance
Difficulty with relationships
Changes in mood